Monday, 10 October 2016

Blog Feedback

WWW: What a fantastic start to AS Media – I thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and what comes through so strongly is how much knowledge and passion you have for film. I can’t tell you how valuable this is when studying A Level Media! You’ve picked out some superb clips and images to study but what really sets your work apart is the analysis. You are confidently using media terminology while deconstructing texts and images. This in-depth textual analysis is extremely positive and coupled with your natural authority on film tells me you should be aiming for the very highest grade in this subject. Keep up the good work!

EBI: There are a couple of minor things that we can fix straight away: in terms of how you present and organise your writing, please left-align all work as you would expect if using Microsoft Word. Similarly, you also need to look at paragraphing: for the Little Miss Sunshine clip you pick out so many excellent aspects but in one large block of text it’s difficult to follow. It’s also useful to divide each aspect you are analysing into separate paragraphs as you can then self-assess whether you are discussing each point in sufficient detail and really considering the impact on the audience. Finally, a couple of other comments – the sound video LR doesn’t contain an assessment of your top three sound videos from the class and why and your film noir research is very short. This surprises me – in a blog full of phenomenal film knowledge and expertise this post really stands out as lacking depth!

LR: Reflect on your first month of Film Language. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

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