Boyz n The Hood is a coming of age crime drama that focuses on the teenage lives of Tre and his friends Doughboy, Ricky and Chris in the early 1990s.
Having been involved in fighting at school, Tre's mum takes him to live with his dad in a South Los Angeles neighbourhood where he is reunited with his friends. We first get an idea of what this place is like when Tre's dad is involved in a shooting on his first night there; the next day Chris shows the rest of them a dead body to which they react remarkably calmly, as if seeing a dead body is the most normal thing. This immediately tells us that crime is obviously a common issue in this particular area/time period and could be foreshadowing future events.
As the boys become teenagers, they are confronted with many difficulties faced by countless teenagers and they all develop their own personalities and aspirations.
Tre finds himself in a relationship with Brandi who he has had strong feelings for since they first met and she makes him a lot more open minded about having sex, explaining her preference to wait, which he accepts.
Ricky, having come from a single parent family and becoming a young father himself, decides that he wants an education at university to become a professional American Football player so he and Tre sit their SAT exams in the hope that they will be able to go together.
Doughboy appears to have taken a different outlook on life and leads himself down the path of drugs, alcohol and crime, much to the disappointment of Ricky and Tre.
In a neighbourhood with crime around every corner, the boys are presented with new challenges throughout the film, testing their anger, desire and self-restraint to the limit.
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